Thursday, June 7, 2007

like, WHOA!

First i must say, Thanks to my friends at Beautiful Decay magazine!!

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OK, i just got home from hot yoga (bikram) for the second time. i will reiterate that i am not a yoga type person but this class is intense. it was in a new yoga center on the upper west side and they were still getting a handle on the heating system and how hot is too hot... let me tell you, it was too damn hot!

The class is an hour and a half and it felt more like 3 hours. its great for strengthening my legs so i stuck it out even when i wanted to puke. ** side note.. roxie and i were talking about how i've been down lately with my runnig progress, and at times think it would just be easier to give up. but for some reason that is not an option for me. she tried to boost my spirits by reminding me that i'm strong and determined and i'll be back in no time. i told her how sometimes i think that i'm not really as strong as i think i am. meaning, that my body is not that strong it's just that my mind is stronger. i could easily be one of those mothers who lift an entire car to free their trapped child *** ok, back to the hotter than hell yoga. i finished the class, showered and headed to the subway home.

Right around 96th street i realized i forgot my shoes in the locker room. (relax, i was wearing flip flops) i figured i'd call and have them hang onto them until tomorrow. then at around 145th street i remembered i forgot my skateboard on top of the lockers. THEN as the train pulled into 168th street i realized that I ALSO forgot my sweaty workout clothes on the bench. So essentially i walked out of there almost emptyhanded. I was lucky to have pants on.

the quick ride home turned into a there and back and there again 2 hour commute!

towells sweat through: 3
dollars raised to save lives: 5040.00

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