Monday, June 11, 2007

3 long miles

i am not sure i was supposed to, but yesterday i went out for a run in my neighborhood. it was cloudy and cool all and looked on the verge of rain all day. the impending rain meant that the normal weekend washington heights crowds would not be out. the sidewalks would be pretty clear.

i was thinking of going to the gym for a run on the treadmill (treadmill is easier on your bones than the pavement) but it is a long trip for a 15 minute workout. so, i mapped out a 2 mile run which would equal about 20 minutes. of course, my leg was feeling good and once i got going i decided to run my old 3 mile loop to the top of amsterdam ave and back. if it really started to hurt i could always walk.

by the end of 3 miles i was definitley feeling it, and thinking that it might not have been a smart idea.. but i was sick of taking baby steps. if i was going to get back into training i was just gonna have to do it. and to be honest i had also read roxie's blog from the marathon.. i was feeling jealous and frustrated.

ice and tylenol followed the run, and today i'm feeling pretty good. i'm going to attempt this 1-2 more times this week, and if that goes ok I will be back at the group training run on saturday!!

miles run: 3
tylenol: 3
outbursts during soprano's finale: 33

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