Thursday, June 21, 2007

lesson learned

so here's an addendum to the previous yoga post..

the classes i take are focused on your body and movements and not so much (directly spiritual) but they sneak it in every now and then. last night the instructor was getting us to relax between poses. you have to lie down on your back with your arms at your side. eyes open staring at a spot on the cieling.. letting all the stress go and bringing your heart rate down, focusing on breathing. as she was directing us to do this she said something that stuck with me.

'just lay there and be still. let everything go and don't move. if you have the urge to wipe the sweat or fix your hair, , just resist it. see what happens if you just rest. just take a minute and wait it out.'

seems like this could apply to many things. i am very reactive and want to take charge and, if need be, fix things. what happens if i just stay still and wait....

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