Sunday, March 18, 2007


seems this has been the word of the day for 3 straight days now!

the snowstorm on saturday made running really unappealing, so roxie the rookie and i made a promise to do a nice long run today. last night when we were knee deep in guiness the rookie starts shit talkin.. 'we can do 10 tomorrow. easy!' i was like 'no way dude, the last long run i did was 6. i don't think i'm ready to make the jump to 10' roxie backed me up on this and added that there was really no need to push the schedule. we were really only supposed to be running 5-7 this week anyway. the rookie takes another sip from his guiness and announces 'we can definitley do 10... we're doing 12!'

it was a very slow start to the day and it would have been really easy to skip the run. at 2:30 I rallied and headed down to the park. i headed out alone since the rookie and roxie were both under the weather still. i planned to start my run at 102nd street and do a full loop. this would be 6 miles and that would be totally respectible. it started out a bit rough, but it was a BEAUTIFUL day out. 40° sunny and snow on the ground. i warmed up quickly and felt like it was all gonna be ok. the focus was not on running to fast, just doing the miles. at a mile and a half my left leg started bothering me, and at the 2 mile mark i couldn't take the pain anymore.

not sure what the problem is, it's pain that runs from the outside of my ankle up the side of my calf to my knee. unhappy i hopped on the subway at 59th street and headed home. completely discouraged i tried to tell myself that 2 miles is still better than no miles.

the good news is that last night when i picked up my mail i had a letter from my aunt jane.. along with her donation check she sent me a few old pics.. one of my cousin jess and i when we were about 2ish, a couple of my sister and i, and then one of my grandfather and i. i was about 2 and sitting on the arm of his chair and he's sitting there looking down at me. he had this big red armchair that he always watched tv in. i can still remember how this chair always smelled like his aftershave. it was like his throne. the pic is great and i can't wait to scan it and add it to the blog! tune in tomorrow!

miles run: 2
curses mumbled under my breath: 7

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