Sunday, March 4, 2007

ice ice baby

knee hurts! i am sitting here now with a bag of frozen peas on it hoping it helps.

This weekend is full of running and bag making. yesterday i headed to central park at 8:00 for our group run. i was feeling really down and had only 4 hours of sleep behind me. the challenge for the beginners this week was 4-6 miles. we were given the flexibiltiy to choose our mileage and our route through the park. i was completely undecided... i wanted to run at least 5, mentally i NEEDED to run 6 to really work out all my stress, but wasn't sure my body would allow for anymore than 4. I set out alone and decided to try for the full 6 mile loop. if i got too tired i could always cut over 102nd street and make it 5.

Once I started running I felt pretty good. Concentrating on pacing myself and breathing. As I approached the 102nd street transverse I was struggeling with what to do.. 5 or 6? 5 or 6? I have never been above 102nd in the park and for some reason it scared me up there.. silly i know. i imagined it to be dark and very woodsy.. like some creepy haunted forest. i dedided I was going to go for the 6 mile loop but allowed myself to put my ipod on to carry me through the last half of the run. HOT DAMN! 6 MILES! now someone get me a seat..

The 6 miles did the trick, the anxiety level was back down and the feeling of accomplishment was great. once again exercise saves me from imploding! :)

I met Davey for lunch after the run, and due to some scheduling mix ups I got stuck downtown until 5pm.. in my running gear all day! Fashion faux-pas for sure! Davey was extremely amused and as usual was not shy about expressing his joy in my pain. i think all my running talk is rubbing off on him.. he's running again, and i expect some runs in our future. he gave me the good idea of getting my legs massaged regularly before the big saturday runs. since i don't need much convincing when it comes to getting massages, i'm calling to set up my friday appointment now!

today there was a quick 5k race in the HOOD! yay, i can roll out of bed and the start is literally 4 blocks away. I was planning on running my 3 mile hood route today anyway, so i signed up and made it official. it was a great run.. not so sure about my time. i felt like i was running fast, and making good time on the downhills but for some reason i think i came in over 30 minutes. can't wait to check the official times later.

oh, on a side note... guitar hero is my new favorite thing! a video game where you play guitar along with killer rock songs. i KNEW i was gonna grow up to be a rock star!!!! might have to get myself a playstation....

saturday miles: 6
sunday miles: 3 race time: 28:37
total hours spent in spandex: 12
total sk8bags made: 38

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