Sunday, March 25, 2007

i am down but definitely not out!

i don't care what they say, brooklyn is FAR!

yesterday we were scheduled to workout in prospect park in brooklyn. i live in washington heights (no, it's not the bronx but close) so i was thinking my commute could take close to 1.5 hours depending on how the trains were running. this means i have to leave my house at 7 to insure an 830 start. figures the A train arrives quickly and is (surprise, surprise) running express today so i get to brooklyn in under an hour! now what?! i'm a half hour early! i walked around a bit looking for a coffee shop where i could sit for a few minutes, but found nothing so i set off for the park. that area of brooklyn is so beautiful. old brownstones, wide treelined streets. you could picture the cosby's living there for sure!

i haven't been able to run since last weekend's injury. It's been bumming me out. I'm feeling lazy and sluggish... running has really taken a hold on me I'm now realizing. I've taken a few hits lately, and was really looking forward to getting out there and working some of that stress out. i was a bit anxious because i was still feeling twinges in my leg, but ramon and i both felt that once it warmed up it would relax and i'd be ok.

not the case. i started out with roxie and the rookie and all of me was feeling great except my damn left leg which was screaming at me to stop. when i realized that i was literally limp-running i decided to stop. i sent r 'n r on their way and turned back. i ran into lisa my mentor who talked it through with me.. next comes ramon. he is my running guru.. we consulted and decided i need to see a sports medicine doctor to rule out stress fracures and figure out what the real problem is. he assured me that it is early enough in the season that i will be able to catch up and be fine for the marathon. lisa is an great mentor. she's always up, always got a smile and a hug and today she had both for me when i needed 'em!

i am trying to keep these words in mind as i sit here with frozen peas encasing my ankle. i see the rest of the group upping their mileage and gearing up for the brooklyn half marathon in a few weeks. i want to be there with them workin hard for all the money i have gotten as donations! and personally i've lost a few things that were important to me and am not willing to give this one up!!

so that the day was not a complete loss, i went to crunch and worked out with lamont on my upper body strength. told him to punish me from the waist up.. he's good at punishment that hurts so good. i rode the bike for a few minutes and have decided that spinning will be my recovery training. keep the cardio up and the spirits up.

please keep the donations coming and i will make you proud!

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