Friday, February 15, 2008

listen up

i'm taking a break for a little rant.

the other day i was on a marathon website and saw an article about how many marathon organizers are banning the use of headphones. i have heard that this is because it deminishes the 'competative nature of the event'.. crap.. 90% of the runners in marathons are not seriously competing to win the damn thing, so if officials want to keep it competative then they should only allow qualified runners enter.

now, i just read another website where people were commenting on how this is a good rule because runners with headphones on are oblivious to their surroundings and can get hit by cars, and constantly cut other runners off resulting collisions and potential injury. give me a break! i've been in plenty of races where people without headphones cut me off.. or are slow runners and line up in the front of the pack oblivious to the fact that there are faster runners trying to get by. this oblivion has nothing to do with headphones, it has to do with inconsiderate people!

our group training session this weekend is to run over the george washington bridge and into new jersey. our coach has banned headphones for this practice (and all future practices). i completely understand his decision for this saturday's run.. he is responsible for a big group running in unfamiliar territory on a bridge full of other idiots in cars.. safety first. but, to ban headphones for all future practices which mainly take place in the safe haven of central park seems unfair. i know he is promoting socialization and fun.. but i'm anti-social when i run.. i freely admit it. i go knowing i've got business to do.. and 15+ miles is alllllll business!

so, this saturday i will set aside the ipod, but as for the future i just can't do it without my music!

... thanks for listening... now back to happier running blogs :)

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