Saturday, January 19, 2008

perfect 10

well not really perfect, but i can't really think of another title. i was super lazy this morning and missed the group training session, but i fought through the urge to stay in bed all day and headed to the park at 10am. I saw some of the TNT members which is always nice.. good to know you've got partners in the torture. Later in the run I ran into a woman I used to work with and stopped for a few minutes to catch up. This was a very welcome break because i had been running for a mile with a side-ache. Been getting them on every run.. about 3 miles in. It's insanely frustrating.. i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but i have to fix this or i'm never gonna make it through these long runs!

Had a few things on my mind today.. one being that i just found out that pro-skater danny renaud fell from a 9 story building in florida.. miraculously he survived. he severly broke both his legs, ruptured his kidney and they had to remove part of his spleen and gallbladder (i think.. i know it was 2 organs). I can't even begin to imagine how you fall from a 9 story building, and then to survive.. seems almost impossible. I kept thinking about how it must have felt like slow motion. you know when you're in a car accident and it feels like it's happening forever. I don't know danny personally, but he skates for stereo skateboards and i'm friends with a few people over there so it felt close to home.

hope he's ok. i know he's got a lot of friends around him to help him fight through the brutal recovery that i'm sure he's facing.

miles run: 10
song of the day: severed hand

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