Wednesday, January 30, 2008

holy lazy!

ok, so due to a head cold and a busy schedule i slid into a bit of a lazy spell. I have to be honest and say that I haven't run since my 10 mile run last weekend.. eeek!

i am determined to get back on track so today i ran a quick 3.5 miles and will run 4.5 tomorrow. friday i will hit yoga after work and rest up for a 12 mile run on saturday. i am so used to being in major pain at this point in my training that i'm a little scared of these long runs. as i head out i always think 'i hope this isn't the run where the injury comes back' but so far so good.

tonight I'm sending out my final fundraising email.. most of my friends and family have generously donated, and i am overwhelmed at the support i've gotten.. but it's my duty to raise as much for the leukemia society as i can so i'll give everyone one more reminder. it's a new tax year, so i might even get some repeat donations :)

i bought my plane ticket to paris this week! roxy and i are planning on flying out on wednesday night so that we have thursday and friday to adjust to the time zone and sight see before the group comes in. then we'll hang out til tuesday which gives us a full day of recovery and french wine to ease the pain!

miles run: 3.5
weeks til paris: 9
best part of today's run: NO SIDE-ACHE!!!

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