Wednesday, May 23, 2007

i love you, i hate you

i have started easing myself back into running on the treadmill.. still hurts, but working it helps the bone grow stronger. or so they say. in the meantime i need to get my cardio workout back on track so that when i am able to really run i won't be sucking wind!

for years i have been anti-eliptical. i think they look weird, the people on them look weirder and to be honest i hate trying to learn a new work-out machine. but now i have no choice.. i need a non-impact way to get my heart racing and this is the best way. so monday night after spending 10 minutes on the treadmill i moved to the eliptical and tried not to think about what i looked like to all the people running on the treadmills behind me. lucky bastards. (lucky for the running part, not the watching my sorry ass part!)

everyone i was training with is getting ready for the SD marathon in just over a week. i am in awe of them, wish them well and wish i was with them for the trip!

on a fundraising note, i am dangerously close to the $5000 mark!!! thanks to everyone who donated this week, and thanks to my buddys at beautiful decay magazine for a very generous donation!! i'll be rockin their logo come race time!

to those who have yet to donate i know you're just making me work for it, and i plan on making you proud!

minutes on the treadmill: 10
calories burned on the eliptical: 200
songs on my new, most-excellent work out mix: 13!

1 comment:

roxie said...

i know how you feel on the elliptical...but i'll take it over the dreaded treadmill any day.

before you know it you'll be back on the the meantime, rest assured you're the coolest ellipti-chick at the gym.

and hell-yeah on your fundraising!!! you're making me proud.