Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New running season, new color

Ok folks, it's official! The fall running season has officially started and I am IN!

I had my first full workout at the gym since my injury. And by full workout I mean I did cardio (30 minutes on the bike = 6 miles) upperbody weight training, squats, lunges (a little sore on those still but nothin i can't handle) and abs!! Man it felt good. I was scheduled to work out with my trainer, but he slept in so I was on my own. A perfect opportunity for me to get lazy and wimpy but I pushed it without overdoing it.

I also faxed in my paperwork to the Team in Training office, so I am officially signed up to run the half-marathon in San Francisco this October, and then (lottery permitting) the NYC marathon in November. If I do not get through the lottery selection, I will just run the full marathon in San Francisco.

Last week when I saw Dr. Metzl for my follow up visit he recommended I see a physical therapist to help build up the strength in my leg.. so, on monday i had my first visit with Michael, who it turns out is going to be one of my TNT running coaches! PERFECT! He knows my training schedule inside and out and will be able to get me ready, and if i have any problems once the running starts I will be able to go right to him. I couldn't feel more comfortable now. One of my biggest fears is another injury.. i am going to be obsessive about training properly this time, and eating a healthy diet. I WILL GET TO THE FINISH LINE!!!

Now that I have a firm plan I will be sending out updates and more fundrasing emails, so be on the look out and spread the word!

1 comment:

Run Coach David said...

Becky, triple Congrats... on signing up for the Nike Half, on commiting to seeing a PT, and on being lucky enough to have Mike as your coach !!!!

I'm one of the Northern New Jersey coaches for Fall teams, and know just how lucky you are with Mike. He's awesome.

See you on the Palisades no doubt !