Saturday, August 11, 2007

i can't believe i am about to say this

yoga just might have magic healing abilities.

i have been in alot of pain the last 2 weeks after my runs. i didn't want to say anything because 1. i thought everyone was probably bored with my injury talk. and 2. i thought if i said it out loud it would make the injury more real. It didn't feel like a stress fracture again, and it was in the 'healthy' leg so i wasn't sooo concerned. but i was afraid that if i kept running when my legs felt this sore I might risk a more serious injury. so, last week i broke down and went to see dr. metzl.

the minute he walked into the room he greeted me with a smile and said 'i am not supposed to be seeing you here!' I explained my pain, he checked my legs and happily informed me that the pain was not bone pain, just muscular. My leg muscles are pretty developed and dense so it's more difficult to properly stretch them. I have to start using the roller stick religiously and I told myself to get back to yoga.

With the summer being so hot i have not been very excited to go work out in an even hotter room for 90 minutes. BUT, today I woke up early and went. My right knee was still killing me when i went down a flight of stairs, and this was a full week after my last run. The class wass brutal, especially since i haven't been there in about 6 weeks. But I must say that now my knee feels almost good!!

I have vowed to get back on the yoga train and go 3x a week until this marathon!! The heat and stretching are just what my dense legs need!

Tomorrow (if i'm not too hungover since it's my birthday weekend) i am hoping to get a nice 6 mile run in before hitting the beach.... cross your fingers.

miles run: 0
minutes spent sweating: 90

1 comment:

Jessica and Johnny said...

I was hoping you could post your playlist! I love your previous guilty pleasure songs and would love more of them! I just signed up for TNT and love your blog!