Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the workout i love to hate

whoa, i forgot how much i hated the mid-week training sessions!

tuesday nights are spent concentrating on technique to build us into stronger, better runners. this week that meant hill repeats.. or should i say HELL repeats. explaining this in detail will not even help you to understand how not fun this is. i'll just say that we ran out to 102nd street in central park, and then ran back and forth (UP and DOWN) the hill for about 45 minutes.

my legs were still kind of tired from saturday's run, but that wasn't even the worst part of it.. it was monotonous, and i had no music to distract me.. instead i just watched the people ahead of me and hoped it didn't get to the point where they lapped me all together! luckily that never happend.. i made it to the end, did my quick stretch and headed home to get some work done and go to bed early!

today i'm trying to remind myself why exactly i thought running a marathon would be fun...

i'm sure i'll remember by october.

miles run: 4.5ish

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