Tuesday, April 3, 2007

newton's first

newton said that objects at rest tend to stay at rest....

damn him! i am feeling quite inert and it's killing me! tomorrow is my bone scan so let's all cross our fingers and hope for the best. i am not sure what this bone scan business is, but apparently the schedule is to arrive at the hospital at 8. deal with paperwork.. at 830 i will get an injection (injections and ankles don't sit well with me) and then i have to kill 2 hours before i get 'scanned' which can take from 20-50 minutes. i will be sure to fill you in on the results as soon as i hear!

in the meantime, here is a quick anecdote from the sidelines.. friday afternoon i locked myself out of my apartment (the second of 3 lock outs this month.. more on that later) i was going downtown for a business meeting so i planned to meet my friend carlos and pick up a spare key afterwards. we decided that it was so nice out we'd meet his girlfriend and grab a friday-happyhour cocktail. we ended up at rosa mexicana after hobbling around union square a few times. the weather was great, the margaritas were flowing and the bar was full of cute 'after-work' guys. at one point i got up to go to the bathroom and carlos replays the story like this

'we had the hottest seats in the joint. we are sitting in a lounge area in front where everyone who comes in can see us. beck gets up to go to the bathroom. she's lookin all cute, fluffs her hair, fixes her shirt and (this is where i inject the sound of the needle scratching off a record) she starts to walk but it's all limpy... like her walk actually seems to say 'limpy, limpy' each time she takes a step!'

god love carlos and pointing out the painfully obvious.

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